era end

Tomorrow marks 11 years since my mother’s death.  And the beginning of a year of death.  By the 23rd of November Hilary, Krysia,  Bella and Meg had died and I went into hospital for a double hip operation that er, wasn’t quite as successful as we had hoped.

The sciatic nerve in one leg was damaged, resulting in drop foot, and the screw in the other fell out,  lodging in my hip, thereby inciting many jokes about loose screws.

It was once of those years that cements friendship forever, and forever marks any year ending in 6-7.

It’s also this year,  the one in which I retired. Generally it’s been great and if I stopped worrying about money I’d be fine. (Who can live on $780 a fortnight?).

So all of that – the intervening years, the trips to Greece, Spain, Buenos Aires, London, the new adult whangai niece and nephew in my life, the fabulous friends, the great operas, movies, art  and music have been fantastic.

And so it seems it just might be an opportunity to retire this blog.



3 thoughts on “era end

  1. No! (or maybe start a new one). Now you have time to do blogging!!
    Loving thoughts to you for tomorrow and all this time of re-experiencing loss.
    Just thinking today, life does come to an end and there seems to be no contact after, so we must make the most of both being alive, and having loved ones still alive!! xxx


  2. NOOOOOO! I SO agree with Juliette, relish this time of reflection and thoughtfulness. Round Cripplecreak off if you want but please start something new. Golden Daze? (I joke). Thinking of you today


  3. Ha thanks. It has become a very personal take on life. I have started the biculturalist but only write intermittently. Feel free to add stuff. There’s also Telling stories written as a guide for interest groups who want to use digital story telling. Needs updating. I’ve also started Cheryl Brown which I aim to use as my professional record. I’ll see how I am inspired. Perhaps something appropriate about golden days.


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